Welcome to Kumara!
a letter from the founder
“The principal goal of education is to create people who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done.” Jean Piaget
Trust, Understanding, Flexibility
What makes our school so special is the feeling of trust in the individual: each child finds his or her own direction and discovers that s/he is wonderful just the way s/he is. We know that trust is of the utmost importance to parents as well. We understand the formidable challenges facing parents and the significant role that educators and school can play in a child’s early life. We sustain an environment conducive to your child’s emotional, intellectual and physical growth. We are always available to discuss individual needs or concerns, and provide an open dialogue with parents. We encourage parents to get involved as much as their schedules allow, Kumara also offers lectures, discussions, potlucks, a newsletter and other programs for parents.
Respect, Flexibility, Choice
At Kumara we provide “child initiated” education based on the principles of child development. We work to facilitate active learning by allowing children to select the focus of their own hands-on experiences. The creativity of the children feed into the program, keeping it fresh and alive.
Children are naturally interested in activities that strengthen their skills and deepen their understanding. Those children who choose their own path to learning come to view themselves as competent decision makers. The love of learning is born when the whole self is involved and the experience is, therefore, fully satisfying.
Our school environment is rich and varied and at any given time offers many activities to choose from. Children can work individually or in groups and decide how much time they spend on each activity.
Play is the language of childhood
Play is the natural way children explore their environment and make sense of their experiences. At Kumara we provide a balance between educator initiated and child initiated activities. We recognize that children’s spontaneous play provides opportunities that are essential for constructing knowledge, and that play contributes to the development of representational thought. Pretending in early childhood is the foundation for the later development of abstract thought. Play also serves a vital function in promoting children’s ability for self-regulatory and socially cooperative behavior. Research indicates that preschoolers who spend more time in socio-dramatic play are advanced in intellectual development and demonstrates the ability to understand the feelings of others.
Learning about ourselves. Learning about others.
Our school atmosphere is warm and relaxed, creating the conditions for social interaction to occur naturally. We have three basic rules of conduct:
Respect for self, respect for others, and respect for the environment.
Finish what you begin, and
put things away where they belong
During most of the day children, 2 years to 6 years of age play in mixed age groupings. Educator’s guide them through the process of conflict resolution and decision making. We allow them opportunities to work out their differences; they are encouraged to verbally settle their disputes in a respectful way.
During your family’s years at Kumara you will all grow, learn and have a great time. Try to embrace every moment!